Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Cure has been Worse

On March 23, 2020, President Trump tweeted: “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF,"

Based on what I'm seeing, that is exactly what has happened.

In my home state of Maryland, significant sectors of business remain closed ... barred from serving customers by the state. 

The media has turned into a giant propaganda machine: extolling "social distancing" at every opportunity. Showing how wonderful it is. 

It is exactly what happened in the novel 1984. The televisions, the radio stations, the commercials, the social media. Everyone talks about their gatherings, and seems compelled to remind everyone that they are "social distancing". As if to say, Don't scold me! Look, I'm social distancing! 

It is nauseating.
The virtue signaling
The attempt at shaming.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Disproportionate Response

Here are several numbers for your consideration:


Two of these numbers represent the number of deaths Baltimore City by homicide in two different months. One of these numbers represents the number of deaths in all of Maryland attributed to COVID19 during March 2020.

On April 1, the state reported 12 additional deaths from COVID19, bringing the total-to-date up to 31 ... again, for all of Maryland. That's still fewer than the homicides in Baltimore City for December 2019.
Should we lock down the city?

source: https://homicides.news.baltimoresun.com/ 
source: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

When is Enough, Enough?

As I write these words, the entire country is gripped in fear over the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Maryland, businesses have been ordered ... ORDERED ... to close their doors, in order to stop the spread of the virus. That was 5 days ago ... at 5:00pm on March 23, 2020.
Thus far, I have been supportive of these measures. I believe they have been effective in significantly slowing down the progress of the virus.
But at some point, this needs to stop.
So far in Maryland, we have had 781 confirmed cases, and 5 deaths. That is a mortality rate of 0.64%. Several of the deceased were quite elderly ... over 80 years old ... and it's not clear that the disease shortened their life by a significant margin.
Millions of people are unemployed right now ... over 3 million new unemployment claims were filed this week. My job is in serious jeopardy, and I know that my income is going to drop significantly in the next 30 days.
So how long does this go on?
How much human suffering are we going to bear in order to save a few lives?

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Choose the Form of your Destructor

Winston Churchill's definition of a Fanatic
One who can't change his opinion and won't change the subject
NeverTrumpers are determined to blame President Trump for destroying (take your pick):

  • The Republican Party
  • Conservatism
  • Respect for America
  • and on and on and on...

Liberals have successfully painted a picture of the Conservative movement as one that stubbornly refuses to consider new ideas or creative solutions. Conservatives, so we are told, are clinging to a fantastical memory of the good old days, when dad stoically marched off to work each morning, leaving mom trapped with the burden of raising the children, cooking meals, and cleaning the house. Conservatives are accused of wanting to returning to the days of segregation and minority oppression.

As a Conservative, I know these are lies, and I will not address them in this post.

But consider those who have declared themselves to be the spokesmen for the Right.

I'm looking at you, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, and David French. 

It has been 3 years since President Trump was inaugurated. Since then, some of the highest priorities for Conservatives have seen their first meaningful action in decades. The remaking of the judiciary is just one example. We have seen deregulation, tax reform, immigration enforcement, and a robust, muscular diplomatic posture across every foreign relationship.

And who are the ones railing against the person who is leading these efforts? Who is out there, jumping in front of every possible camera and microphone to make the case that this president is destroying Conservatism? Who is out there, clinging to the fantasy that the best days of the Conservatives were ... George W Bush? Mitt Romney? Really? 

I'm looking at you, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, and David French.

You are reinforcing the stereotype. And in so doing, you are the ones who are damaging Conservatism.

You have chosen the form of your destuctor. And it is you.
Image result for choose the form of the destructor

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Never an Explanation

There is nothing more frustrating than attempting to have a reasoned discussion with a liberal.
They resort to unproven rumors: Trump is a homophobe!
They resort to disproven allegations: RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!
They resort to some arbitrary standard of presidential demeanor: Trump is a DISGRACE! Trump is an EMBARRASSMENT!

Where is the evidence?

Donald Trump worked for 40 years it the New York City real estate business, the international hotel business, and the entertainment industry. If there was any notion that he was uncomfortable around gay men or women, don't you think that would have surfaced during that time? Seriously. It's not as if he was hidden from view.

As for interference in the 2016 election... Give me a break.
Who was president in 2016?
Who oversaw foreign relations in 2016?
Who was privy to the highest-quality intelligence that we have in 2016?
Quick hint: it was not Donald Trump

And finally, this business about him being an embarrassment to the country or to the office has just got to stop. He is unabashedly FOR the United States of America. He doesn't kowtow to foreign leaders - whether they are allies or not. The people of this world that are truly oppressed welcome him with enthusiasm and love.

If you're embarrassed by that, then the problem is you.